06-CKIS Y1 & Y2 / French / Thurs 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm

Charlton Kings Infant School

French flag

Our award winning programme contains lots of stories, action chants, songs and games so that the children learn the language just like young French and Spanish children do and in the same was as they have learnt their mother tongue.


Summer Term 2024
-10 weeks
Start: 25 April 2024
End: 11 July 2024

12.00 pm – 12.30 pm


Cost: £69.50
(£6.95 per session)

Description: CKIS Y1 & Y2 French


Lyefield Road East
Charlton Kings
GL53 8AY

New students

French & Spanish activity pack

A fun and motivational pupil activity workbook accompanies this course. The activity pack includes a workbook, audio material and parent guide. 


You will be prompted to include this when you book